We are proud to announce the launch of a brand new player rating system for the KamaGames community.
This bold new feature lets players duke it out to find the master of the casino! So, how can a player dominate the rating leaderboard? Ratings will be scored by three categories - chip profit in a player’s chosen game, the sum of bets in the chosen game and the number of bets in that game throughout the competitive period.
KamaGames' new rating system will be available across our entire social casino portfolio, including popular games like poker, blackjack, roulette and beyond. Each of these unique social casino games will host their own competitive chart where players can compare how close they and their rivals are to the top. Before the next period of competition begins, ratings drop back to zero and players get a fresh chance to rise to the top.
If players want to brag about past glory they can compare their current position with that of the previous competitive period. This new feature will enhance the healthy rivalry that already exists within the KamaGames community. As they shoot to glory or fall sadly behind fellow competitors, players will finally discover who among them is the ultimate victor.
To join the race to the top or play any of KamaGames various titles click here.