Gaming is evolving and with the release of Windows 10, the next step will be the potentially of cross platform playing. Where once there was a clear distinction between where gamers played games the functionality now afforded by Windows 10 will allow users to play across multiple devices and platforms. This can only help cultivate the already evident social gaming explosion that we are currently seeing.
Social Gamers
This evolution to one of Microsoft’s flagship products highlights how serious those in the industry are about providing users with a succinct experience across multiple platforms. But the main proponent of this, potentially, wouldn’t be your avid desktop user but instead it will be the humble social gamer.
Social gaming is exploding, there is no other way of saying it. Popular games like Angry Birds, Clash of Clans, Minecraft and Flappy Bird have build a dedicated community of users based due to the interaction of the people playing the games. Most, if not all, of those games operate on a freemium model which lends some credence to the fact that the projected revenue for social gaming for 2015 is expected to reach $5 billion. But the majority of the revenue is not coming from whales but instead from those who are playing the game socially. In fact nearly 75% of time spent gaming is driven by a desire to interact socially with others. More often than not the user is not incentivised by monetary rewards but rather they are tantilised by the experience of contributing to a game that other like minded users are also playing.
The continued growth of mobile coupled with the launch of Windows 10, with its USP of cross device gaming capability, is providing social gaming with an environment in which it could potentially thrive. Where this development goes next and what awaits the user around the corner is the question that we’re looking forward to finding out the answer too.